Ric Juarez
Personal Profile

I'm glad we've met.
I'm a co-founder and half of the energy behind Dear Future, founded with my brother Fernando Juarez and established in 2022, in the state of Texas as a 501c3 corporation. My energy comes from being the father of 3 wonderful kids currently at different ages, including one adult! And the an insatiable desire to make an impact in children in the world, somehow; however big.
The inspiration to start a nonprofit organization came from two fronts of my life; first, the experience of my soul that has endured many losses, and the hardening of my service hand, shaped after 20 years of service.
After retiring from the United States Navy, I was left with a charged yet not fulfilled sense of service that was instilled in my self. Our armed services dedication to support the ones in need was permanently marked in my personality; leading me to consistently look for that opportunity to help both locally, but more passionately globally.
On the other hand, my background as an immigrant, having grown up in Peru. Having witnessed the global need during my military service, my personal experiences, paired up with a kin sense of giving and the inevitable joy of having successfully come out ok at the end, provided the force and the inspiration to pass the joy.
The children we serve and I have some things in common, I'm an orphan who grew up with people other than my parents since I was 7, I've been adopted, I've experienced loss of great magnitude; I've outran death more than a few times, starting at the age of 2 from a 50% coverage third degree burn, and later in life surviving cancer. Somewhere in between my flight crew and I have dodged many rockets aimed at us; experiences I want to share, because if you do the math, with all that fortune, I realize ,I must pay it forward.